Summer of ’67

Summer of '67

Turning raw lake data into really lovely design for a Minnesota family reunion
summer of 67 main design

Design: Apparel Graphics, Lake Bathymetry

The Prices wanted something special to commemorate returning to a favorite childhood lake. I researched and mapped lake bathymetry linework from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to create a design that captured the entirety of Gull Lake, MN. These graphics were easily applied to shirts, totes, and invitations. The entire Price crew had a wonderful time and looked really adorable in their matching gear!

  • MnDNR GIS data
  • Illustrator
  • MN pride
Summer of 67 typography
Summer of 67 color palette
Summer of '67 feature image
Summer of 67 design materials
Summer of 67 family

ba·thym·e·try (noun)

Bathymetry is the study of “submarine topography,” or the depths and shapes of underwater terrain. Using this data is a science-y way to show the exact footprint of the lake and requires the ability to analyze and manipulate georeferenced materials.

summer of 67 linework

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